The VigiFLAP is an explosion isolation valve that guarantees effective isolation against organic and metalic dust explosions upstream and downstream of the piping systems (dust collectors, filters, cyclones, etc.).
The valve can remain open using a lever arm. It can be placed both at the inlet and outlet of the filter, isolating it from an explosion.
In the event of an explosion, the valve shuts and remains locked preventing the fire from escaping.
The test campaign for the new VigiFLAP explosion isolation valve was carried out by the French certification body INERIS. The tests were performed according to standard EN 16447 and reinforced by an approach not mentioned in the standard, that is the piping installed downstream of the non-return valve. The VigiFLAP is therefore the only explosion isolation valve in the market tested and certified according to the standard enforced and under real world application.
Aligning the lower part of the VIGIFLAP with the piping, allows the air flow to create continuous self-cleaning with low pressure drop.
The first explosion isolation valve in the market to be certified for both horizontal or vertical positioning. The vertical position allows for considerable space savings within the installation. The distance between the filter and the VigiFlAP can be maintained while minimizing the space of your piping between the plant and the filter.
The VigiFLAP is certified for use with any number of elbows and positions between the area to be protected and the valve.
The VigiFLAP is certified for the following conditions of use in push flow and pull flow:
o The explosion isolation valve is located between the fan and the filter
o The valve is located on the clean air side and the fan pushes the dirty air flow towards the filter
o The VigiFLAP is located between the suction fan and the clean air side filter
o The VigiFLAP is located upstream of the filter on the dirty air side and the suction fan on the clean air side
The VigiFLAP is the first in the market to isolate the filter from an explosion on both the dirty air side and the clean air side. In fact, the valve in the locked open position allows for installation on the clean air side by mounting the non-return valve at 180 ° relative to its position on the dirty air side.
The VigiFLAP has been designed to dramatically improve pressure drops. The design of the domed valve, in addition to the locked open position of the valve, helps reduce energy consumption during the circulation of the air / product flow.
Tests have been performed with metallic dust levels up to 250 bar.m / s of KST, making the VigiFLAP the only non-return valve in the market certified for organic, synthetic and metallic dust.
All the certification tests for the VigiFLAP were performed with piping installed downstream of the non-return valve so that the tests would reflect the real world application. The body of INERIS determined through numerous tests that the back pressure, generated downstream of the valve after closure due to the explosion from the 10 m3 test tank, generated a very powerful mechanical stress response and significantly influenced all the technical parameters of the certified product.
The VigiFLAP has been designed, tested and certified to protect your facilities under actual use conditions. The EN 16447 standard, for its part, will evolve rapidly following this test campaign.
The VigiFLAP range is robust. The certified dimensions used during the first test campaign range from 160 mm to 800 mm in diameter. Certification for sizes up to 1300 mm in diameter is expected by the end of 2021.
STIF consistenly invests in cutting-edge industrial equipment. The development of the VIGILEX range along with the growth of the new explosion isolation valve has led to the company recently obtaining a new fiber laser and several welding robots. All to offer an innovative solution at a competitive price and with a short delivery time.